On-the-job interviews

On-the-job interviews, also known as working interviews, offer a unique opportunity for employers to assess a candidate’s practical skills and suitability for a specific role. During these interviews, candidates are tasked with performing actual work tasks, allowing both parties to gauge how well the applicant can handle the job’s day-to-day responsibilities.

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Benefits and considerations of on-the-job interviews


  • Practical: Ideal for roles requiring specific skills or competencies, on-the-job interviews enable candidates to demonstrate their abilities.
  • Provides candidates insight: Allows candidates to experience the workplace environment and culture, offering a glimpse into what working there might be like.

Considerations and solutions

  • Reduce pressure: Candidates may feel stressed or overwhelmed by being observed during tasks.
    • Solution: Create a supportive environment by clearly explaining expectations, offering breaks, and encouraging open communication to reduce anxiety.
  • Resource intensive: On-the-job interviews can require significant time and resources.
    • Solution: Plan interviews strategically, using structured evaluation criteria and involving only necessary personnel to maximise efficiency.

What role or industry do they suit?

  • Attributes showcased: On-the-job interviews are ideal for assessing practical, hands-on, technical skills, creativity and adaptability to real-world scenarios. They offer a practical evaluation of a candidate’s abilities.
  • Roles and industries: On-the-job interviews are valuable in industries requiring hands-on skills and practical expertise. In trades and manufacturing, they assess technical skills for roles like electricians and machinists. Healthcare and medical services also benefit by evaluating nursing skills, laboratory work, and patient care. Creative fields like graphic design and filmmaking use them to highlight creativity and technical skills. Similarly, roles in customer service, retail, and software development leverage on-the-job interviews to assess social and communication skills, problem-solving in real-world scenarios.

Example: A tech company is seeking a front-end web developer with strong JavaScript and CSS skills. The company arranges an on-the-job interview where candidates complete a short-term project over two days. The project involves implementing a new feature on a mock website using a provided set of specifications.

Conducting neuro-inclusive on-the-job interviews

In addition to assessing candidates’ skills in real-world scenarios, on-the-job interviews give candidates a first-hand experience of the workplace. When tailored with neuro-inclusive strategies, these interviews create a supportive and equitable environment, allowing all candidates, including neurodivergent individuals to perform at the best of their ability.

Pre-interview preparation

Preparation is essential to creating an environment where neurodivergent candidates can perform at their best. Providing clear details and discussing accommodations upfront helps remove barriers.

Neuro-inclusive strategies

  • Provide details: Share comprehensive details in advance, including:
    • Schedule with start and end times.
    • Access details (location, parking, public transport, signing-in procedures).
    • Venue specifics (sensory details, available breakout spaces).
    • Interviewer names, roles, and photos.
    • Dress code recommendations.
    • Required documents.
    • Contact details of a dedicated support person from the business.
    • Description of the task.
    • If a break space is available for use

Provide this information in multiple formats (written, visual aids, or video) to suit diverse preferences.

  • Accommodations and supports: Proactively ask candidates about specific accommodations and supports they may need, such as:
    • Adjustable lighting
    • Flexibility in task formats
    • Sensory adjustments, or sensory tools to assist
    • A support person or job coach
  • Provide task details in advance: When appropriate, share task descriptions or instructions beforehand, ensuring candidates know what to expect. For example, behavioural questions or complex assignments may be provided in advance unless quick thinking is a key assessment criterion.

Preparing the interview environment

The physical and sensory aspects of the interview setting can significantly impact neurodivergent candidates. A comfortable, predictable environment helps mitigate anxiety and sensory overload.

Neuro-inclusive strategies

  • Workplace tour: Offer candidates an opportunity to tour the workspace before the interview. This familiarisation can reduce stress and allow candidates to identify potential accommodations.
  • Sensory-friendly environments:
    • Minimise noise and avoid sudden loud sounds.
    • Use consistent, non-flickering lighting and avoid strong smells.
    • Allow candidates to adjust seating or use sensory tools.
    • Provide clear descriptions of any sensory elements they may encounter.
  • Break spaces: Identify a quiet area or sensory space where candidates can take breaks if needed.

During the interview

Creating a neuro-inclusive process ensures candidates can focus on demonstrating their skills without unnecessary stress or barriers.

Neuro-inclusive strategies

  • Be predictable: Maintain a clear schedule and routines. Notify candidates in advance of any changes to reduce anxiety.
  • Be flexible:
    • Allow candidates to complete tasks in formats that suit their strengths (e.g., verbal explanations, hands-on demonstrations).
    • Use direct questions focused on the role’s objectives. Avoid idioms or complex language.
  • Support understanding: Inform candidates about who will observe them and their purpose. Limit the number of observers and maintain a respectful distance to reduce pressure.
  • Time to get comfortable: Provide candidates time to adjust to the environment before starting the interview.
  • Provide support: Offer to clarify or rephrase questions and allow candidates to bring notes for reference. Provide immediate feedback if candidates seem unsure of expectations.

Post-interview follow-up

Providing clear feedback and next steps after the interview is essential for supporting neurodivergent candidates and improving the process overall.

Neuro-inclusive strategies

  • Be transparent: Clearly communicate timelines for decisions and any follow-up expectations.
  • Provide feedback:
    • Share specific feedback on performance, highlighting strengths and areas for growth. Avoid vague comments like “someone else was more suitable.”
    • Invite candidates to share their experience with the interview process and provide suggestions for improvement. Use this input to refine future processes.

Example of a neuro-inclusive on-the-job interview

Scenario: A logistics company is hiring a team leader and conducts an on-the-job interview to assess organisational and leadership skills.

Actions taken:

  • Environment preparation:
    • The interview is scheduled during off-peak hours to minimise noise and distractions.
    • The workspace is quiet, with natural lighting and ergonomic seating.
  • Task execution:
    • The candidate is given clear, written instructions for a task requiring them to organise a mock workflow.
    • They are allowed to present their solution using diagrams, verbal explanations, or a written plan.
  • Support provided:
    • The candidate is allowed extra time to complete the task and takes a scheduled break halfway through.

Outcome: These accommodations enable the candidate to focus on their leadership and problem-solving skills, providing an accurate evaluation of their potential without unnecessary barriers.

Ongoing commitment to inclusivity

  • Training for interviewers: Ensure that all staff involved in the interview process receive training on neurodiversity awareness. Understanding the diverse needs and strengths of neurodivergent candidates to support candidates.
  • Regular review and adaptation: Continuously review and adapt interview processes based on feedback and emerging best practices in neurodiversity inclusion.

Inclusive on-the-job interviews are a powerful way to assess candidates’ real-world capabilities while fostering a fair and supportive recruitment process. By implementing these strategies, employers can ensure that every candidate can perform at their best, building a neurodiverse workforce.

“As an employer I believe and have seen that supporting neurodiversity isn’t just about being inclusive, it’s good for business. It attracts a wider talent pool, boosts innovation, improves employee well-being, and reduces costs. In short, it strengthens your employer brand and builds a successful work environment.”

“As a small business we create policies and procedures collaboratively with staff, making sure that the policies are designed for them by them”.

“When you’re in an inclusive workplace people identify and understand the strengths you bring and accommodate work to focus on your strength areas”

“In an inclusive workplace neurodivergent employees should feel that they are understood by staff.”

“Inclusive onboarding for me really enhanced the comfort. Your first day can be really scary as you don’t know what to do, who to meet. At one place started at they told me what the plan was, who I was to meet and gave me clear instructions of where to go which helped me have a plan until the person who was collecting me arrived which made the whole thing a little bit less stressful.”

“I found work tours really helpful when they are part of the interview. It helped me sell myself during the interview as you can look at the types of equipment you will be using and get a better idea of what they want from you and the employer gets to see how you react to the environment”

“Feeling understood by my manager meant that I felt valued by the workplace, and that my unique perspective was valuable. When managers have understood me and my strengths, I have definitely felt more motivated to do my best for the business or company as a result.”

“I’ve noticed that in workplaces I’ve been in positive changes have been really successful when they come from the top down.”

“In the business I work in, to show job seekers that we are inclusive we have inclusivity statements on our website and our job ads. We also offer adjustments and accommodations as part of the recruitment process”

“The advice that I would give to businesses wanting to be inclusive is you have to start somewhere, even with something small. Be open to new ways of thinking and get input from staff to start making inclusive changes. Get it going, get it moving and let’s start doing something.”

“Your workforce needs to reflect your customer base. It really allows your customer base to feel more welcome and like they belong. I have found also that diversity of thought, skills background and knowledge also reduces bias and group think within an organisation, that’s one of the key things I have found”.

‘In an organisational setting, inclusion is seen as a means to improve performance and employee satisfaction. It improves employee loyalty, creative problem solving and teamwork.

“In my previous role I did not disclose this information because I was already having difficulties with colleagues. In my current role I have disclosed to team members I am comfortable with.”

Autism SA completed a National Survey in 2023, where 72 neurodivergent people were asked if they had disclosed during the recruitment process or in a workplace. 33% shared that they had not disclosed, 40% said that they had disclosed their diagnosis, while 26% partly disclosed.

“I love sharing my experience of being on the spectrum with people. It’s all about awareness”

“The number one thing that neurodivergent jobseekers look for when determining if an organisation is inclusive, is inclusive statements and language”

“Inclusive workplaces enhance teamwork and collaboration by valuing diverse contributions and perspectives.”

“Neurodiverse workplaces better reflect and understand the needs and preferences of diverse groups of people. This helps to expand the market and customer base and provide a wider range of products and services.”

“A diverse workforce is able to tackle a wide range of work challenges, thereby increasing overall efficiency and productivity.”

“This diversity can promote innovation and creativity, as different ways of thinking can lead to different perspectives and approaches to problem solving.”

“As an autistic employee, feeling valued motivates me to do my best”

“Inclusive recruitment has allowed us to build a diverse talent pipeline, ensuring our organisation’s long-term success.”