Learning he was autistic at the age of 19, Dorian was able to find his identity for the first time in his life. Before then, Dorian used to think he was an alien or like Jim Carrey in The Truman Show, but since he found out he is autistic, Dorian came back to reality and was able to meet other autistic people – who he calls ‘his people’ – to feel welcome and like he belongs.

For over ten years, finding permanent, full-time work was no easy journey for Dorian. Rejection sensitive dysphoria is a feeling Dorian knows all-too-well. With every rejection came an overwhelming feeling of pain, anger and despair, but once the feeling had been processed, Dorian became more determined and unstoppable to find his place in commercial media (his chosen field).

Today, Dorian works as a TV/Radio reporter and is proud to say that this position was hard earned. But his journey is not over: Dorian wants company recruiters to not just say they are ‘autism friendly’, SHOW you are autism friendly. Be proud that you have a wonderful group of people working for you, and that you accept and support them through their journey to success. Dorian is the voiceover artist for the Neuro-inclusive Recruiting videos.